Energy & Resources

In the fourth part, we will focus on energy. In the home, power supply, heating and water use are major levers for a sustainable lifestyle.

Why is this relevant?

Most of the time, we take for granted that the light turns on when we use the switch or that our electronic devices are charged when we plug them in. What we rarely consider is the amount of CO2 emissions that is required for these daily actions and how our environment is affected by them. Therefore, we should make conscious decisions about how we use our resources. This applies not only to saving energy, but also to heating and water use. The second step then is to pay attention to the production. By using green energy, you can reduce CO2 consumption.


What can I do?
  • Turn off appliances instead of standby mode.
  • Use the multiple plugs that come with a switch.
  • Refrigerator, stove, microwave, and oven should not be placed next to each other.
  • If possible, avoid the use of a dryer.
  • Use green energy.

2.5 days of riding a bike equal the 1-hour consumption of a 40W light bulb

Save Electricity

Energieeffizienz von Gebäuden

Die Energieeffizienz im Bausektor spielt eine wichtige Rolle für die Energiewende. Der Energieverbrauch in diesem Sektor betrug 2016 35,3% am gesamten Energieverbrauch. Das Ziel des Sektors ist bis 2050 seinen Primärverbrauch um mindestens 80% zu sinken. [4]


A 3-person household with an energy mix produces 0.5t of CO2 per year and can save up to 94% by switching to green energy.
Energy consumption
  • 30% Transport
  • 29% Industry
  • 15% Trade, Commerce, Services
  • 25% private Households

Heating right

 Here are 7 ways to keep your room warm in winter
  • Seal the window with rubber seals and lower the shuttle when it is getting dark to reduce heat loss.
  • Intermittent ventilation instead of continuously opened windows.
  • Close all doors.
  • Use the radiator more consciously: do not always keep the temperature on the highest level.
  • Do not block radiators with furniture.
  • Lay carpets
  • Dress in multiple layers. [5]


Living space

1. Gardens
studentisch geführter Gemeinschaftsgarten im Olydorf

Plants on the balcony or in the garden not only look nice but also have a positive impact on our health; growing your favorite plants, like basil, can save a lot of CO2. Nevertheless, here are a few mistakes to be avoided:

  • Use only peat-free potting soils for planting. When peatlands are drained, the carbon is released back into the atmosphere where it contributes to global warming and threatens the habitat of numerous animals.
  • If fertilizing is needed, then it should only be used in small amounts from organic sources. Too much organic fertilizer can produce climate-active nitrous oxide.
  • Upcycle and avoid plastic: you can get creative with alternative plant pots: use old jars and bowls, old shoes or a pasta strainer. If nothing suitable can be found, rummage or clay pots can be bought from a local flea markets

You have no room for plants? No problem! In Munich, there are several community gardens, which you can also find in our sustainable City Map

2. Save water

Every German consumes an average of 127 liters of drinking water per day.

Saving water not only reduces your own costs but also your personal carbon footprint. Especially concerning is warm water, which needs extra energy to be heated[4]. To reduce the water consumption in your household, you can simply:

  • Take a bath only on special occasions
  • Always turn off the water when soaping up and brushing teeth.
  • Install a flow restrict in your taps and shower heads.
  • Use the dishwasher if available and do not pre-wash the dishes.
  • Only wash full loads & share a washing cycle with your roommate(s).
